What is tpp context and why using it?

What is TPP context and why using it?

In each calls to the Docker, there is a structure in the field "tppContext".

"tppContext": {
"app": "string",
"unit": "string"
"transaction": "string",
"flow": "string",
"tppId": "string",

What is it?

This structure contains five string fields that may contain arbitrary identifier values.

  • They are not required,
  • they are not used by the connectors
  • nor transmitted to the bank,
  • they are not supposed to mean something for us,
  • keep them short, less then 50 chars.

You can consider them as a hierarchy in this order: app > unit > transaction > flow > tppId.

What is it used for?

Those fields are stored in the bank call trace and they can used as dimensions later for records segmentation in statistics and billing.